Category: Lethina
Published: Monday, 28 December 2020
Written by: Lambertus Jager
Hübner 1819
Pararge abastumana 8) | Sheljuzhko - 1937 | |
Pararge achemenides | ||
Pararge achine | Scopoli - 1763 | |
Pararge achine achine | Scopoli - 1763 | |
Pararge achine saltator | ||
Pararge achinoides 1) | Butler - 1878 | |
Pararge addenda | Lempke - 1936 | |
Pararge adrasta | Hübner - 1827 | |
Pararge adrastamaja | Fuchs - 1873 | |
Pararge adrastoides 8) | Bienert - 1870 | |
Pararge adusta | Standen - 1905 | |
Pararge aegeria | Linnaeus - 1759 | |
Pararge aegeria aegeria | Linnaeus - 1759 | |
Pararge aegeria aegerides | Linnaeus - 1759 | |
Pararge aegerica | Stauder - 1916 | |
Pararge aestiva | Krüger & Turati - 1936 | |
Pararge aestivalis 3) | Frühstorfer - 1909 | |
Pararge aiyuna | Talbot - 1947 | |
Pararge alba | ||
Pararge albarufa | Caruel - 1948 | |
Pararge alberti | Albert - 1896 | |
Pararge albescens | Crombrugghe - 1911 | |
Pararge albiplaga | Warnecke - 1942 | |
Pararge albipuncta | Lempke - 1947 | |
Pararge algeria | ||
Pararge alluaudi | Oberthür - 1922 | |
Pararge althaea | Rebel - 1910 | |
Pararge alticola 5) | Verity - 1911 | |
Pararge amata | Bryk - 1951 | |
Pararge anophthalma | Oberthür - 1909 | |
Pararge anteapennina | Verity - 1927 | |
Pararge anteorientalis | Verity - 1938 | |
Pararge anteparvorientalis | Verity - 1938 | |
Pararge anticoexcessa | Lempke - 1935 | |
Pararge anticrassipuncta | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge apennina | Verity - 1911 | |
Pararge armeniaca | Sheljuzhko - 1937 | |
Pararge arnauta | Rebel & Zerny - 1932 | |
Pararge atabyris 8) | Frühstorfer - 1909 | |
Pararge atavica | Verity - 1919 | |
Pararge australis 11) | Zeller - 1847 | |
Pararge bialoviezensis | Krzywicki - 1967 | |
Pararge bicubitocellata | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge bilinea | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge bipupilla | Caruel - 1948 | |
Pararge borealis | Fuchs - 1900 | |
Pararge bradanfelda | Blackie - 1920 | |
Pararge burmana | Tytler - 1939 | |
Pararge c-album | ||
Pararge caeca | Lempke - 1935 | |
Pararge caledonia | Verity - 1911 | |
Pararge calidia | Frühstorfer - 1908 | |
Pararge camoena | Frühstorfer - 1908 | |
Pararge camoenaeformis | Verity - 1919 | |
Pararge cashmirensis 7) | Moore - 1874 | |
Pararge castaneaparvorientalis | Verity - 1938 | |
Pararge castaneopicta | Verity - 1923 | |
Pararge catena | Leech - 1890 | |
Pararge caucasica | Nordmann - 1851 | |
Pararge chosensis 1) | Matsumura - 1929 | |
Pararge climene | Esper - 1783 | |
Pararge cockaynei | Goodson - 1951 | |
Pararge conjuncta | Schnaider - 1950 | |
Pararge crimaea 8) | Bang Haas - 1907 | |
Pararge croesus | Stauder - 1922 | |
Pararge damontas | Frühstorfer - 1909 | |
Pararge decorata | Caruel - 1948 | |
Pararge deianira | Linnaeus - 1764 | |
Pararge deidamia | Eversmann - 1851 | |
Pararge dentata | Crombrugghe - 1911 | |
Pararge depulverata | Frühstorfer - 1913 | |
Pararge depuncta | Schnaider - 1950 | |
Pararge diluta | Bubacek - 1923 | |
Pararge dilutior | Schultz - 1908 | |
Pararge drumensis | Thompson - 1952 | |
Pararge dumetorum | Oberthür - 1887 | |
Pararge egerides 2)4) | Staudinger - 1871 | |
Pararge egestas 2) | Frühstorfer - 1908 | |
Pararge egestasiformis | Verity - 1919 | |
Pararge elegantia | Frühstorfer - 1909 | |
Pararge elegantiaeformis | Verity - 1919 | |
Pararge elongata | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge emilyssa | Verity - 1919 | |
Pararge epaminondas | Staudinger - 1887 | |
Pararge epimenides | Menetries - 1859 | |
Pararge episcopalis | Oberthür - 1885 | |
Pararge erdonia | Frühstorfer - | |
Pararge erebina | Butler - 1883 | |
Pararge eudokia | Frühstorfer - 1925 | |
Pararge eutaeniata | Debauche - 1928 | |
Pararge evanescens | Agenjo - 1934 | |
Pararge eversmanni | Eversmann - 1847 | |
Pararge eximia | Staudinger - 1892 | |
Pararge extincta | Schultz - 1908 | |
Pararge extralunata 8) | Verity - 1920 | |
Pararge falcidia | Frühstorfer - 1908 | |
Pararge fania 10) | Hemming - 1933 | |
Pararge felix | Warnecke - 1929 | |
Pararge fentoni | Butler - 1877 | |
Pararge festai | Turati - 1925 | |
Pararge filiplumelyssa | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge finmarchica | Neuburger - 1905 | |
Pararge fortunata | Frühstorfer - 1908 | |
Pararge fulvapennina | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge fulvescens 6) | Alpheraky - 1889 | |
Pararge furialis | Schultz - 1908 | |
Pararge fuscelegantia | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge gafuri | Tytler - 1914 | |
Pararge gerdae | Nordström - 1934 | |
Pararge gigas | Verity - 1935 | |
Pararge goodsoni | Hopkins - 1955 | |
Pararge gracilis 8) | Sheljuzhko - 1937 | |
Pararge grandescens | Verity - 1923 | |
Pararge helena | Hannemann - 1915 | |
Pararge herdonia | Frühstorfer - 1909 | |
Pararge herdoniaepar | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge herdonialeucocinia | Frühstorfer - 1909 | |
Pararge herminia | Hirschke - 1910 | |
Pararge hiera 8) | Fabricius - 1777 | |
Pararge hieratica | Turati - 1915 | |
Pararge hieroides | Schultz - 1908 | |
Pararge hindukushica | ||
Pararge hormuzaki | Miller - 1932 | |
Pararge hyglaea | Mabille - 1888 | |
Pararge ida | Esper - | |
Pararge impupillata | Lempke - 1947 | |
Pararge infrabrunnea | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge infracanens | Verity - 1923 | |
Pararge infranigrans 2) | Verity - 1920 | |
Pararge infrapallens | Verity - 1922 | |
Pararge infratersa | Verity - 1922 | |
Pararge inocellata | Lempke - 1947 | |
Pararge insula 2) | Howarth - 1971 | |
Pararge insularum | Skriba - 1919 | |
Pararge intermedia 9) | Tutt - 1896 | |
Pararge interrupta | Frühstorfer - 1909 | |
Pararge iranica 9) | Riley - 1921 | |
Pararge italica | Verity - 1916 | |
Pararge iwatensis | Okano - 1954 | |
Pararge jachontovi 8) | Sheljuzhko - 1937 | |
Pararge jezoensis | Matsumura - 1919 | |
Pararge juliana | Lorkovitch - 1928 | |
Pararge kabrua | ||
Pararge karafutonis | Matsumura - 1919 | |
Pararge karsiana | Sheljuzhko - 1937 | |
Pararge kenteiana | Bryk - 1953 | |
Pararge kerteszi | Dioszeghy - 1912 | |
Pararge kindukushica | Omoto & Wyatt - 1966 | |
Pararge kingana | Matsumura - 1939 | |
Pararge kuatunensis | Mell - 1939 | |
Pararge kulzcinskii | Prüffer - 1920 | |
Pararge kurilensis | Matsumura - 1928 | |
Pararge latealba | Verity - 1935 | |
Pararge latefasciata | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge latimargo | Stammeshaus - 1954 | |
Pararge laurion | De Niceville - 1895 | |
Pararge lehmanni | Forster - 1980 | |
Pararge leucocinia 8) | Frühstorfer - 1908 | |
Pararge limbojuncta | Stammeshaus - 1954 | |
Pararge lineolata | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge linnaei | Bryk - 1951 | |
Pararge lugens 7) | Oberthür - 1909 | |
Pararge luteafilipluma | Verity - 1922 | |
Pararge luteavividior | Verity - 1922 | |
Pararge luteavividissima | Verity - 1923 | |
Pararge lyssa | Hübner - 1829 | |
Pararge macra | ||
Pararge macroleucocinia | Verity - 1935 | |
Pararge maderakai | Guerin Meneville - 1849 | |
Pararge maera | Linnaeus - 1758 | |
Pararge maera maera | Linnaeus - 1758 | |
Pararge maera taurinensis | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge maeroides | Felder - 1867 | |
Pararge maerula | Felder - 1867 | |
Pararge magnocellata | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge magnorientalpina | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge maia | Fuchs - | |
Pararge majuscula | Leech - 1892 | |
Pararge manzorum | ||
Pararge marginata | Gussich - 1917 | |
Pararge marmorata | Osthelder - 1925 | |
Pararge masoni | Elwes - 1882 | |
Pararge meadewaldoi | Rothschild - 1917 | |
Pararge mediocontracta | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge mediolugens | Fuchs - 1892 | |
Pararge megaera | Gussich - 1917 | |
Pararge megaerina | Herrich Schäffer - | |
Pararge megei | Oberthür - 1909 | |
Pararge megera | Linnaeus - 1767 | |
Pararge melania | Oberthür - 1896 | |
Pararge menalcas | Frühstorfer - 1909 | |
Pararge menava | Moore - 1865 | |
Pararge menava menava | Moore - 1865 | |
Pararge menava moeroides | ||
Pararge mendelensis | Lowe - 1905 | |
Pararge menetriesi | Bremer & Grey - 1853 | |
Pararge meone 2) | Esper - 1777 | |
Pararge mezzaluna | Stauder - 1924 | |
Pararge mimarcania | Bryk - 1953 | |
Pararge minima | Pionneau - 1930 | |
Pararge minor | Gussich - 1917 | |
Pararge minuscula | Oberthür - 1923 | |
Pararge minusoculata | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge minuta | Schultz - 1908 | |
Pararge miyatai | Koiwaya - 1996 | |
Pararge moera | ||
Pararge monicae | Harrison - 1949 | |
Pararge monotonia 8) | Schilde - 1885 | |
Pararge montana | Hormuzaki - 1897 | |
Pararge mureisana | Matsumura - 1939 | |
Pararge nana | Gieysztor - 1923 | |
Pararge nasshreddini | Christoph - | |
Pararge nemorum | Oberthür - 1890 | |
Pararge nevadensis | Oberthür - 1909 | |
Pararge niigatana | Murayama - 1965 | |
Pararge nongeminata | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge nutakana | Matsumura & Shiraki - 1905 | |
Pararge oblita | Harrison - 1949 | |
Pararge obscura | Tutt - 1896 | |
Pararge occaecata | Schultz - 1908 | |
Pararge occidentalis | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge ocellatior | Verity - 1923 | |
Pararge olleri | Bryk - 1951 | |
Pararge ominata | Krulikovsky - 1903 | |
Pararge omnicaeca | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge operta | Schultz - 1904 | |
Pararge ordona | Frühstorfer - 1909 | |
Pararge orientalis | Rühl - 1894 | |
Pararge orientalpina 8) | Verity - 1927 | |
Pararge paeninsulitalica | Verity - 1923 | |
Pararge pallescens | Oberthür - 1912 | |
Pararge pallida | Gussich - 1917 | |
Pararge pallidepulverata | Verity - 1923 | |
Pararge pannonia | Verity - 1927 | |
Pararge pannonica | Lorkovitch - 1928 | |
Pararge paramegaera 10) | Hübner - 1827 | |
Pararge parvalpestris | Verity - 1929 | |
Pararge parvocellata | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge parvopunctata | Stach - 1922 | |
Pararge parvorientalis | Verity - 1938 | |
Pararge parvorientalpina | Verity - 1927 | |
Pararge paulumaegeria | Verity - 1957 | |
Pararge petropolitana | Fabricius - 1787 | |
Pararge petropolitana petropolitana | Fabricius - 1787 | |
Pararge petropolitana centralapennina | Floriani & Teobaldelli - 1983 | |
Pararge pljesevicae | Lorkovitch - 1928 | |
Pararge polonica | Prüffer - 1920 | |
Pararge polsensis | Stauder - 1916 | |
Pararge porrecta | Verity - 1919 | |
Pararge postannulata | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge postaurinensis | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge postcaeca | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge postdisconulla | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge posteropluriocellata | Demoulin - 1940 | |
Pararge postherdonia | Verity - 1927 | |
Pararge postherdoniaepar | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge posticoexcessa | Lempke - 1935 | |
Pararge postleucocinia | Verity - 1927 | |
Pararge postmacroleucocinia | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge postorientalpina | Verity - 1927 | |
Pararge postparvorientalis | Verity - 1938 | |
Pararge postprotohiera | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge postreducta | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge postsilymbria | Verity - 1927 | |
Pararge postsuperlata | Verity - 1927 | |
Pararge praeappennina | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge praeaustralis | Verity - 1922 | |
Pararge praegrandis | Frühstorfer - 1908 | |
Pararge praeusta | Leech - 1890 | |
Pararge protohiera | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge pseudoadrasta | Stauder - 1922 | |
Pararge pseudomaera | Zusanek - 1925 | |
Pararge punctata | Gussich - 1917 | |
Pararge pusilla 1) | Kurentsov - 1966 | |
Pararge rambringi | Bryk - 1951 | |
Pararge reducta | Hofer - 1920 | |
Pararge retyezatica | Dioszeghy - 1935 | |
Pararge roxandra | Herrich Schäffer - 1850 | |
Pararge roxelana | Cramer - 1777 | |
Pararge rozsae | Bezsilla - 1943 | |
Pararge sachalensis | Matsumura - 1991 | |
Pararge sachalinensis | ||
Pararge sardoa | Verity - 1908 | |
Pararge satricus | Tytler - | |
Pararge saturatior | Crombrugghe - 1911 | |
Pararge schmidti | Dioszeghy - 1912 | |
Pararge schrenckii | Menetries - 1859 | |
Pararge schultzi | Schmidt - 1903 | |
Pararge sestia | Frühstorfer - 1908 | |
Pararge sexocullata | Caruel - 1948 | |
Pararge shakra | Kollar - 1844 | |
Pararge shiva | Wyatt - 1961 | |
Pararge sicula | Staudinger - 1876 | |
Pararge silymbria | Frühstorfer - 1909 | |
Pararge simplex | Caruel - 1948 | |
Pararge statilinus | ||
Pararge strandi | Sheljuzhko - 1937 | |
Pararge suecica | Bryk - 1951 | |
Pararge superlata | Verity - 1927 | |
Pararge synclymene | Hübner - 1816 | |
Pararge synexergica | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge tarbena | Talbot - 1947 | |
Pararge tenuiplumosa | Ball - 1922 | |
Pararge tetrops | Rebel - 1915 | |
Pararge thatshukovi | ||
Pararge thibetana/thibetanus | Oberthür - 1877 | |
Pararge thibetana thibetana | Oberthür - 1877 | |
Pararge thibetana menpa | Yoshino 1998 | |
Pararge thibetana tonpa | Yoshino - 1998 | |
Pararge thyria | Frühstorfer - 1909 | |
Pararge tigeliclara | Verity - 1923 | |
Pararge tegeliiformis | Verity - 1911 | |
Pararge tigelius | Bonelli - 1826 | |
Pararge tigellina | Verity - 1922 | |
Pararge tigelyssa | Verity - 1921 | |
Pararge tircis 2) | Godart - 1821 | |
Pararge tkatshukovi 5) | Sheljuzhko - 1925 | |
Pararge totenigrocellata | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge transcaspica | Rebel & Staudinger - 1901 | |
Pararge transfuscata | Cabeau - 1920 | |
Pararge trinoculata | Wheeler - 1903 | |
Pararge triocellata | Sälzl - 1924 | |
Pararge triopes | Muschamp - 1910 | |
Pararge triops | Fuchs - 1889 | |
Pararge tristicolor | Treichel - 1901 | |
Pararge unicolor | Grum Grshimailo - 1892 | |
Pararge uralensis | Bryk - 1853 | |
Pararge valentinae 5) | Miller - 1923 | |
Pararge venata | Lempke - 1957 | |
Pararge vernafusca | Verity - 1953 | |
Pararge vindobonensis | Kammel - 1913 | |
Pararge viocellata | Lempke - 1947 | |
Pararge vividior | Verity - 1923 | |
Pararge vividissima | Verity - 1923 | |
Pararge vulgaris | Zeller - 1847 | |
Pararge xiphia | Fabricius - 1775 | |
Pararge xiphioides | Staudinger - 1871 | |
Pararge ziphia |
1) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Pararge achine
2) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Pararge aegeria
3) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Pararge aegeria aegerides
4) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Pararge aegeria algeria
5) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Pararge aegeria climene
6) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Pararge aegeria dumetorum
7) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Pararge aegeria eversmanni
8) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Pararge aegeria maera
9) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Pararge aegeria megaera
10) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Pararge aegeria megera
11) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Pararge aegeria statilinus
Hits: 96