Butler 1870
Chlosyne abnorma | Wright - 1905 | |
Chlosyne acastus | Edwards - 1874 | |
Chlosyne acastus acastus | Edwards - 1874 | |
Chlosyne acastus dorothyae | Bauer - 1975 | |
Chlosyne acastus robusta | Austin - 1998 | |
Chlosyne acastus waucoba | ||
Chlosyne adelina 12) | Staudinger - 1875 | |
Chlosyne adjustrix 14) | Scudder - 1875 | |
Chlosyne albimontana 9) | Avinoff - 1930 | |
Chlosyne albiplaga | Aaron - 1885 | |
Chlosyne anastasia 3) | Hemming - 1934 | |
Chlosyne ardema | Reakirt - 1866 | |
Chlosyne beckeri | Godman & Salvin - 1901 | |
Chlosyne blackmorei | Gunder - 1926 | |
Chlosyne boharti | Gunder - 1933 | |
Chlosyne bonpland | Latreille - 1809 | |
Chlosyne bridgei | Comstock - 1924 | |
Chlosyne browni 20) | Bauer - 1961 | |
Chlosyne brunhilda 17) | Staudinger - | |
Chlosyne californica 14) | Wright - 1905 | |
Chlosyne calydon 19) | Mead - 1875 | |
Chlosyne carlota 8) | Reakirt - 1866 | |
Chlosyne chinatiensis | ||
Chlosyne chinoi | Gunder - 1924 | |
Chlosyne crocale 14) | Edwards - 1874 | |
Chlosyne cyneas | Godman & Salvin - 1878 | |
Chlosyne damoetas | Skinner - 1902 | |
Chlosyne damoetella | McDunnough - 1927 | |
Chlosyne definita | Aaron - 1884 | |
Chlosyne drusius 13)18) | Edwards - 1884 | |
Chlosyne dryope | Godman & Salvin - 1894 | |
Chlosyne ehrenbergerii | Hübner - 1816 | |
Chlosyne endeis | Godman & Salvin - 1894 | |
Chlosyne eremita | Wright - 1906 | |
Chlosyne erodyle | Bates - 1864 | |
Chlosyne eumeda 15) | Godman & Salvin - 1894 | |
Chlosyne fabricii 10) | Higgins - 1960 | |
Chlosyne fasciata | Röber - 1914 | |
Chlosyne fassli 6) | Röber - 1914 | |
Chlosyne felderi 16) | Röber - 1914 | |
Chlosyne flavida 14) | Higgins - 1960 | |
Chlosyne flavula | Barnes & McDunnough - 1918 | |
Chlosyne fridayi | Gunder - 1932 | |
Chlosyne fruhstorferi | Röber - 1914 | |
Chlosyne fulvia | Edwards - 1879 | |
Chlosyne gabbii | Behr - 1863 | |
Chlosyne gabbii gabbii | Behr - 1863 | |
Chlosyne gabbii atrifasciata | ||
Chlosyne gaudialis | Bates - 1864 | |
Chlosyne gloriosa | Bauer - 1959 | |
Chlosyne gorgone | Hübner - 1810 | |
Chlosyne greyi | Field - 1934 | |
Chlosyne gunderi | Comstock - 1926 | |
Chlosyne hanhami 9) | Fletcher - 1904 | |
Chlosyne harrisii | Scudder - 1862 | |
Chlosyne helcita | Boisduval - 1869 | |
Chlosyne hemifusa | Gunder - 1930 | |
Chlosyne hewesi | Leussler - 1931 | |
Chlosyne hewitsoni | Field - 1936 | |
Chlosyne hippodrome | Geyer - 1837 | |
Chlosyne hoffmanni | Behr - 1863 | |
Chlosyne hollandae | Gunder - 1928 | |
Chlosyne hopfingeri | Gunder - 1934 | |
Chlosyne hylaeus | Godman & Salvin - 1894 | |
Chlosyne hyperia | Fabricius - 1775 | |
Chlosyne indigens | Higgins - 1960 | |
Chlosyne infuscata | Hayward - 1935 | |
Chlosyne inghami | Gunder - 1928 | |
Chlosyne irrubescens 12) | Hall - 1917 | |
Chlosyne ismeria | Boisduval & Le Conte - 1833 | |
Chlosyne ismeria ismeria | Boisduval & Le Conte - 1833 | |
Chlosyne ismeria obsoleta | Gatrelle - 2003 | |
Chlosyne janais | Drury - 1782 | |
Chlosyne judith | Guerin Meneville - 1844 | |
Chlosyne kendallorum | Opler - 1999 | |
Chlosyne lacinia | Geyer - 1837 | |
Chlosyne lacteus | Gunder - 1928 | |
Chlosyne laeta 7) | Röber - 1914 | |
Chlosyne leanira | Felder & Felder - 1860 | |
Chlosyne leanira leanira | Felder & Felder - 1860 | |
Chlosyne leanira elegans | ||
Chlosyne leanira oregonensis | Bauer - 1975 | |
Chlosyne liggetti 9) | Avinoff - 1930 | |
Chlosyne malcolmi 2) | Comstock - 1926 | |
Chlosyne manchada 11) | Bauer - 1960 | |
Chlosyne marianna | Röber - 1914 | |
Chlosyne marina | Geyer - 1837 | |
Chlosyne mazarum | Miller & Rotger - 1979 | |
Chlosyne mediatrix | Felder - 1867 | |
Chlosyne melanarge | Bates - 1864 | |
Chlosyne melitaeoides 15) | Felder & Felder - 1867 | |
Chlosyne millburni | Rummel - 1926 | |
Chlosyne mirabilis | Wright - 1906 | |
Chlosyne misera | Felder - 1869 | |
Chlosyne montana | Hall - 1924 | |
Chlosyne narva | Fabricius - 1775 | |
Chlosyne neumoegeni | Skinner - 1895 | |
Chlosyne neumoegeni neumoegeni | Skinner - 1895 | |
Chlosyne neumoegeni sabina | Wright - 1905 | |
Chlosyne newcombi | Comstock - 1926 | |
Chlosyne nigra | Cary - 1901 | |
Chlosyne nigrescens 14) | Wright - 1906 | |
Chlosyne nox | Gunder - 1928 | |
Chlosyne nycteis 13) | Doubleday & Hewitson - 1847 | |
Chlosyne oenone | Scudder - 1862 | |
Chlosyne palla | Boisduval - 1852 | |
Chlosyne palla palla | Boisduval - 1852 | |
Chlosyne palla altasierra | ||
Chlosyne palla australomontana | ||
Chlosyne pantoni | ||
Chlosyne pardelina 4) | Higgins - 1960 | |
Chlosyne pasadenae | Gunder - 1924 | |
Chlosyne paupera | Felder - 1867 | |
Chlosyne pearlae | Gunder - 1926 | |
Chlosyne perezi | Herrich Schäffer - 1850 | |
Chlosyne poecile | Felder & Felder - 1864 | |
Chlosyne pretona 14) | Boisduval - 1870 | |
Chlosyne quehtala | Reakirt - 1866 | |
Chlosyne reducta | Hayward - 1931 | |
Chlosyne reversa 13)18) | Chermock - 1940 | |
Chlosyne riobalsensis | Bauer - 1961 | |
Chlosyne rosita | Hall - 1924 | |
Chlosyne rubrigutta 5) | Röber - 1913 | |
Chlosyne rufescens 14) | Edwards - 1893 | |
Chlosyne saundersi 14) | Doubleday - 1844 | |
Chlosyne schausi 3) | Godman & Salvin - 1901 | |
Chlosyne segregata 11) | Barnes & McDunnough - 1918 | |
Chlosyne seitzi | Röber - 1914 | |
Chlosyne sonorae | Boisduval - 1869 | |
Chlosyne splendida | Hayward - 1931 | |
Chlosyne sterope 1)19) | Edwards - 1871 | |
Chlosyne stygiana | Comstock - 1926 | |
Chlosyne tellias 14) | Bates - 1864 | |
Chlosyne thekla 21) | Edwards - 1870 | |
Chlosyne theona | Menetries - 1855 | |
Chlosyne thornei | Gunder - 1934 | |
Chlosyne vallismortis 19) | Johnson - 1938 | |
Chlosyne vanduzeei | Gunder - 1928 | |
Chlosyne wardi | Oberthür - 1914 | |
Chlosyne wellingi 7) | Miller & Rotger - 1979 | |
Chlosyne whitneyi 19) | Behr - 1863 | |
Chlosyne whitneyi whitneyi | Behr - 1863 | |
Chlosyne whitneyi altalus | Scott - 1998 | |
Chlosyne whitneyi windriver | SCott - 1998 |
1) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne acastus
2) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne damoetas
3) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne definita
4) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne endeis
5) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne erodyle
6) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne felderi
7) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne gaudialis
8) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne gorgone
9) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne harrisii
10) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne hippodrome
11) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne hoffmanni
12) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne hyperia
13) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne ismeria
14) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne lacinia
15) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne marina
16) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne mediatrix
17) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne narva
18) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne nycteis
19) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne palla
20) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne rosita
21) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Chlosyne theona
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