Category: Adoliadini
Published: Thursday, 24 December 2020
Written by: Lambertus Jager
Boisduval 1847
Euriphene abasa | Hewitson - 1866 | |
Euriphene absolon | Fabricius - 1775 | |
Euriphene absolon absolon | Fabricius - 1775 | |
Euriphene absolon micans | Aurivillius - 1891 | |
Euriphene achlys | ||
Euriphene acutangula | Aurivillius - 1909 | |
Euriphene adumbrata 3) | Joicey & Talbot - 1928 | |
Euriphene alberici | Dufrane - 1945 | |
Euriphene albopunctata | Aurivillius - 1898 | |
Euriphene amaranta | Karsch - 1894 | |
Euriphene amicia | Hewitson - 1871 | |
Euriphene amieti | Collins & Larsen - 1997 | |
Euriphene ampedusa | Hewitson - 1866 | |
Euriphene anaxibia | Hecq - 1997 | |
Euriphene arcadius | Fabricius - 1775 | |
Euriphene aridatha | Hewitson - 1866 | |
Euriphene aridatha aridatha | Hewitson - 1866 | |
Euriphene aridatha transgressa | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene atossa | Hewitson - 1865 | |
Euriphene atossa atossa | Hewitson - 1865 | |
Euriphene atossa angusta | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene atropurpurea | Ausrivillius - 1894 | |
Euriphene atrovirens | Mabille - 1878 | |
Euriphene auge | Fabricius - 1793 | |
Euriphene aurivilli | Staudinger - 1895 | |
Euriphene aurora | Aurivillius - 1896 | |
Euriphene australis | Aurivillius - 1912 | |
Euriphene barce | Doubleday - 1847 | |
Euriphene barombina | Aurivillius - 1894 | |
Euriphene batesana | Béthune Baker - 1926 | |
Euriphene butleri | Aurivillius - 1904 | |
Euriphene butleri butleri | Aurivillius - 1904 | |
Euriphene butleri remota | Hecq -1994 | |
Euriphene caerulea | Boisduval - 1847 | |
Euriphene calabarensis | Felder - 1867 | |
Euriphene camarensis | Ward - 1871 | |
Euriphene candida | Capronnier - 1889 | |
Euriphene canui 3) | Hecq - 1987 | |
Euriphene canui canui | Hecq - 1987 | |
Euriphene canui legeriana | Hecq - 1987 | |
Euriphene carshena | Hewitson - 1874 | |
Euriphene cercestis | Ward - 1871 | |
Euriphene chalcis | ||
Euriphene chalybeata | Talbot - 1937 | |
Euriphene chriemhilda | Staudinger - 1895 | |
Euriphene cinaethon | Hewitson - 1874 | |
Euriphene cocalia | Fabricius - 1775 | |
Euriphene coerulea | Boisduval - 1847 | |
Euriphene coerulescens | Neustetter - 1916 | |
Euriphene comus | Ward - 1872 | |
Euriphene congolensis | Capronnier - 1889 | |
Euriphene conjungens | Aurivillius - 1908 | |
Euriphene conjungens conjungens | Aurivillius - 1908 | |
Euriphene conjungens kiellandi | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene core | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene cottoni | Béthune Baker - 1865 | |
Euriphene cutteri | Hewitson - 1874 | |
Euriphene cyriaca | Hulstaert - 1924 | |
Euriphene cyrna | Godart - 1823 | |
Euriphene deformata | Neustetter - 1916 | |
Euriphene demetra | Godart - 1823 | |
Euriphene dilatata | Seitz - | |
Euriphene doriclea | Drury - 1782 | |
Euriphene doriclea doriclea | Drury - 1782 | |
Euriphene doriclea ducarmei | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene duseni | Aurivillius - 1893 | |
Euriphene duseni duseni | Aurivillius - 1893 | |
Euriphene duseni legeriana | Hecq - 1987 | |
Euriphene eliensis | Hewitson - 1874 | |
Euriphene elpinice | Hewitson - 1869 | |
Euriphene eos | Röber - 1936 | |
Euriphene ernestibaumanni | Karsch - 1895 | |
Euriphene excelsior | Rebel - 1910 | |
Euriphene felicia | Butler - 1871 | |
Euriphene feronia 2) | Staudinger - 1891 | |
Euriphene flaminia | Staudinger - 1891 | |
Euriphene fouassini | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene fulgurata | Aurivillius - 1904 | |
Euriphene fuliginosa | Holland - 1893 | |
Euriphene fuscomarginata | Bartel - 1905 | |
Euriphene gabonica 4) | Bernardi - 1966 | |
Euriphene gambiae | Feisthamel - 1850 | |
Euriphene gambiae gambiae | Feisthamel - 1850 | |
Euriphene gambiae vera | Hecq - 2002 | |
Euriphene glaucopis | Gaede - 1915 | |
Euriphene gnidia | Fabricius - 1782 | |
Euriphene gola | Fox - 1965 | |
Euriphene goniogramma | Karsch - 1894 | |
Euriphene grosesmithi | Staudinger - 1891 | |
Euriphene grosesmithi grosesmithi | Staudinger - 1891 | |
Euriphene grosesmithi muehlenbergi | Hecq - 1995 | |
Euriphene hecqui | Collins & Larsen - 1997 | |
Euriphene hobleyi | Neave - 1904 | |
Euriphene ikelemba | Aurivillius - 1901 | |
Euriphene incerta | Aurivillius - 1912 | |
Euriphene incerta incerta | Aurivillius - 1912 | |
Euriphene incerta biokensis | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene infusca | Capronnier - 1889 | |
Euriphene integribasis | Hulstaert - 1924 | |
Euriphene intermixta | Aurivillius - 1904 | |
Euriphene iris | Aurivillius - 1903 | |
Euriphene itanii 7) | Carcasson - 1974 | |
Euriphene ituriensis | Howarth & Jackson - 1957 | |
Euriphene iturina | Karsch - 1893 | |
Euriphene jacksoni | Talbot - 1937 | |
Euriphene jolyana | Hecq - 1987 | |
Euriphene kahli | Holland - 1920 | |
Euriphene kamitugensis | Dufrane - 1945 | |
Euriphene karschi | Aurivillius - 1894 | |
Euriphene kiki | Bernardi & Larsen - 1980 | |
Euriphene kivuensis | Howarth & Jackson - 1957 | |
Euriphene laetitia | Plötz - 1880 | |
Euriphene languida | Schultze - 1920 | |
Euriphene larseni | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene leonis | Aurivillius - 1898 | |
Euriphene lesbonax | Hewitson - 1864 | |
Euriphene lomaensis | Belcastro - 1986 | |
Euriphene lucasi | Holland - 1929 | |
Euriphene lucayensis | Schultze - 1920 | |
Euriphene luteostriata | Béthune Baker - 1908 | |
Euriphene lysandra | Stoll - 1790 | |
Euriphene mandinga | Felder - 1860 | |
Euriphene mardania | Fabricius - 1775 | |
Euriphene mawamba | Béthune Baker - 1908 | |
Euriphene melanops | Aurivillius - 1897 | |
Euriphene milnei | Hewitson - 1864 | |
Euriphene minkoi 3) | Bernardi - 1993 | |
Euriphene minkoi minkoi | Bernardi - 1993 | |
Euriphene minkoi collinsi | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene mocquerysi | Staudinger - 1893 | |
Euriphene mollicella | Karsch - 1894 | |
Euriphene monforti | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene mundula | Grünberg - 1910 | |
Euriphene nawamba | Béthune Baker - 1908 | |
Euriphene niepelti | Neustetter - 1916 | |
Euriphene nigropunctata | Aurivillius - 1901 | |
Euriphene nivaria | Ward - 1872 | |
Euriphene obani | Knoop & Wojtusiak - 1994 | |
Euriphene obsoleta | Grünberg - 1908 | |
Euriphene obsoleta obsoleta | Grünberg - 1908 | |
Euriphene obsoleta munene | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene abtusangula | Aurivillius - 1912 | |
Euriphene orientis | Karsch - 1894 | |
Euriphene osyris | Schultze - | |
Euriphene oxione | Hewitson - 1874 | |
Euriphene pallidior | Hulstaert - 1924 | |
Euriphene panda | Hecq - 1997 | |
Euriphene paraceres | Talbot - 1928 | |
Euriphene paralysandra | D'Abrera - 2004 | |
Euriphene partita | Aurivillius - 1895 | |
Euriphene pavo | Howarth - 1959 | |
Euriphene phantasia | Hewitson - 1874 | |
Euriphene phantasiella | Staudinger - 1891 | |
Euriphene phantasina 6) | Staudinger - 1891 | |
Euriphene phranza | Hewitson - 1874 | |
Euriphene phranza phranza | Hewitson - 1874 | |
Euriphene phranza moreelsi | Aurivillius - 1901 | |
Euriphene phreone 8) | Feisthamel - 1850 | |
Euriphene pinkieana | Bernardi - 1975 | |
Euriphene plagiata | Aurivillius - 1897 | |
Euriphene plistonax | Hewitson - 1874 | |
Euriphene rectangula | Schultze - 1920 | |
Euriphene regula 1) | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene ribensis | Ward - 1871 | |
Euriphene romi 3) | Aurivillius - 1897 | |
Euriphene rotundata | Holland - 1920 | |
Euriphene rubrocostata | Aurivillius - 1897 | |
Euriphene saphirina | Karsch - 1894 | |
Euriphene saphirina saphirina | Karsch - 1894 | |
Euriphene saphirina memoria | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene schoutedeni | Overlaet - 1954 | |
Euriphene schultzei | Aurivillius - 1909 | |
Euriphene seeldrayersi 9) | Aurivillius - | |
Euriphene senegalensis | Herrich Schäffer - 1861 | |
Euriphene severini | Aurivillius - 1897 | |
Euriphene simplex | Staudinger - 1891 | |
Euriphene simplex simplex | Staudinger - 1891 | |
Euriphene simplex bernaudi | Hecq - 1994 | |
Euriphene simulata | Van Someren - 1939 | |
Euriphene sjostedti | Aurivillius - 1893 | |
Euriphene soemis | Hewitson - 1864 | |
Euriphene sophus | Fabricius - 1775 | |
Euriphene splendida | Collins & Larsen - 1997 | |
Euriphene staudingeri | Aurivillius - 1893 | |
Euriphene sterna | Staudinger - 1893 | |
Euriphene subtentyris | Strand - 1911 | |
Euriphene suffumigata | Holland - 1893 | |
Euriphene tadema | Hewitson - 1866 | |
Euriphene tentyris | Hewitson - 1874 | |
Euriphene tessmanni | Grünberg - 1911 | |
Euriphene tessmanniana 5) | Bryk - 1915 | |
Euriphene theodota | Hulstaert - 1924 | |
Euriphene theognis | Hewitson - 1874 | |
Euriphene trioculata | Talbot - 1927 | |
Euriphene umbrina | Aurivillius - 1901 | |
Euriphene unopunctata | Béthune Baker - 1908 | |
Euriphene veronica | Stoll - 1780 | |
Euriphene wilwerthi | Aurivillius - 1898 | |
Euriphene winifredae | Fox - 1965 | |
Euriphene zonara | Butler - 1871 |
1) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Euriphene amicia
2) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Euriphene aridatha
3) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Euriphene duseni
4) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Euriphene gambiae
5) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Euriphene luteostriata
6) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Euriphene phantasiella
7) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Euriphene saphirina
8) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Euriphene sophus
9) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Euriphene tentyris
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