

Category: Episemini Published: Tuesday, 05 April 2022 Written by: Lambertus Jager

Ochsenheimer 1816

Episema abajoi Agenjo - 1936  
Episema abruzzorum Dannehl - 1929  
Episema affinis Rothschild - 1914  
Episema agrapha Boursin - 1951  
Episema alba Fernandes - 1918  
Episema albida 3) Oberthür - 1890  
Episema amasina Hampson - 1906  
Episema ankarensis Rebel - 1933  
Episema antherici Christoph - 1884  
Episema bicolor Agenjo - 1936  
Episema bipunctata Agenjo - 1936  
Episema bistrigata Osthelder -  
Episema boneti Agenjo - 1936  
Episema brandbergensis Hacker - 2004  
Episema caeruleocephala Lempke - 1949  
Episema callisema Jordan - 1877  
Episema capreae Hübner - 1827  
Episema ceballosi Agenjo - 1936  
Episema cinerascens Oberthür -  
Episema cinereorufa Agenjo - 1936  
Episema colladoi Agenjo - 1936  
Episema concors 4) Staudinger - 1891  
Episema culoti Ragusa - 1923  
Episema declinans Staudinger - 1891  
Episema dentimacula 1) Hübner - 1827  
Episema didymogramma Boursin - 1955  
Episema discors 4) Staudinger - 1891  
Episema dusmeti Agenjo - 1941  
Episema elephantina Boursin - 1955  
Episema elvira Schawerda - 1928  
Episema escalerai Agenjo - 1936  
Episema extrema Agenjo - 1936  
Episema flavosignata Turati - 1923  
Episema fulvescens Agenjo - 1936  
Episema funesta Agenjo - 1936  
Episema glaucina Esper - 1789  
Episema glaucinoides Boursin -  
Episema gozmanyi Hacker & Ronkay - 1985  
Episema griseoviolacea Wagner -  
Episema grueneri Boisduval - 1832  
Episema grueneri grueneri Boisduval - 1832   
Episema grueneri barcoi Agenjo - 1976  
Episema haemapasta Hampson - 1906  
Episema hernandezi Agenjo - 1936  
Episema hispana Boisduval - 1832  
Episema hypoxantha Boursin - 1955  
Episema immaculata Agenjo - 1936  
Episema indistincta Rebel - 1933  
Episema intermedia Agenjo - 1936  
Episema jejuna Forbes - 1878  
Episema korsakovi Christoph - 1885  
Episema korsakovi korsakovi Christoph - 1885   
Episema korsakovi levantina Hacker - 2001  
Episema kourion Fibiger, Nilsson & Svendson - 1999  
Episema lederi Christoph - 1885  
Episema lemoniopsis Hacker - 2001  
Episema lilascens Schawerda - 1929  
Episema lineata 2) Boursin - 1968  
Episema lutea Agenjo - 1936  
Episema mendizabali Agenjo - 1941  
Episema meridionalis 1) Calberla - 1884  
Episema minuta Boursin & Ebert - 1976  
Episema minutoides Hreblay, Ronkay & Varga - 1998  
Episema monotona Boursin - 1955  
Episema moralesi Agenjo - 1936  
Episema munozi Agenjo - 1936  
Episema murina Bang Haas - 1907  
Episema obliterata Turati - 1923  
Episema obsoleta Agenjo - 1936  
Episema ochrea Agenjo - 1936  
Episema ochreorufa Agenjo - 1936  
Episema osseata Culot -  
Episema paenutata Christoph - 1885  
Episema pelaezi Agenjo - 1936  
Episema pseudohispana Boursin - 1955  
Episema pseudoramburi Boursin - 1955  
Episema pseudotersa Boursin - 1955  
Episema pulverulenta Agenjo - 1936  
Episema ramburi 2) Zerny - 1927  
Episema rosea Turati - 1924  
Episema roseoflava Agenjo - 1936  
Episema roseosignata Agenjo - 1936  
Episema rubellina Staudinger - 1891  
Episema rubrescens Culot -  
Episema ruscinonensis Oberthür -  
Episema sareptana Alpheraky - 1897  
Episema scillae Chrétien - 1888  
Episema scoriacea Esper - 1789  
Episema simplificata Agenjo - 1936  
Episema swiderskii Kostrowicki - 1956  
Episema tamardayanae Fibiger, Kravchenko, et al. - 2006  
Episema teriolensis Hartig - 1924  
Episema terracotta Boursin - 1955  
Episema tersa Denis & Schiffermüller - 1775  
Episema tersina Staudinger - 1872  
Episema tersinoides Boursin - 1951  
Episema tersoides Boursin - 1951  
Episema transversa Wagner - 1931  
Episema trimacula 1) Denis & Schiffermüller - 1775  
Episema trimaculata Schiffermüller - 1776  
Episema ulriki Fibiger, Kravchenko, et al. - 2006  
Episema umbrosa Agenjo - 1936  
Episema unicolor 1) Duponchel - 1835  
Episema unicolorferruginea Wagner -  
Episema zarcoi Agenjo - 1936  


1) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Episema glaucina

2) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Episema grueneri

3) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Episema hispana

4) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Episema lederi


By some classified as part of Noctuoidea - Noctuidae - Cucullinae - Incertae sedis

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