

Category: Ourapterygini Published: Tuesday, 13 April 2021 Written by: Lambertus Jager

Leach 1814

Ourapteryx abbreviata Inoue - 1995  
Ourapteryx adonidaria Oberthür - 1911  
Ourapteryx amphidoxa Wehrli - 1939  
Ourapteryx approximaria Wileman - 1912  
Ourapteryx approximata 2) Lempke - 1970  
Ourapteryx astrigera Inoue - 1993  
Ourapteryx brachycera Wehrli - 1939  
Ourapteryx breviaria    
Ourapteryx caecata Bastelberger - 1911  
Ourapteryx caschmirensis Bastelberger - 1911  
Ourapteryx changi Inoue - 1985  
Ourapteryx chrisbahri Stuning - 2000  
Ourapteryx citrinata Prout - 1915  
Ourapteryx clara Butler - 1880  
Ourapteryx claretta Holloway - 1982  
Ourapteryx consociata Inoue - 1993  
Ourapteryx contronivea Inoue - 1993  
Ourapteryx convergens Warren - 1897  
Ourapteryx cordifera Inoue - 2002  
Ourapteryx costistrigaria Leech - 1897  
Ourapteryx cretacea Prout - 1915  
Ourapteryx cretea Swinhoe - 1902  
Ourapteryx cuspidaria Bird - 1919  
Ourapteryx deflexaria Schultz - 1910  
Ourapteryx delineata Lempke - 1951  
Ourapteryx destrigata Lempke - 1951  
Ourapteryx dierli Inoue - 1994  
Ourapteryx duliculum Inoue - 2002  
Ourapteryx diminuta Inoue - 1993  
Ourapteryx ebuleata Guenée - 1857  
Ourapteryx ebuleata ebuleata Guenée - 1857   
Ourapteryx ebuleata deliquescens Inoue - 1995  
Ourapteryx ecuadata 2) Lempke - 1970  
Ourapteryx excellens Butler - 1889  
Ourapteryx falciformis Inoue - 1993  
Ourapteryx flavovirens Inoue - 1985  
Ourapteryx formosana Matsumura - 1910  
Ourapteryx fulvinervis Warren - 1894  
Ourapteryx furissima    
Ourapteryx gisela Thierry Mieg - 1905  
Ourapteryx hilaris Thierry Mieg -  
Ourapteryx histrionica Herrich Schäffer - 1854  
Ourapteryx horishana Matsumura - 1910  
Ourapteryx imitans Bastelberger - 1911  
Ourapteryx incaudata Warren - 1897  
Ourapteryx infuscataria Boisduval - 1832  
Ourapteryx inouei Stuning - 2000  
Ourapteryx inspersa Wileman - 1912  
Ourapteryx integra Thierry Mieg - 1903  
Ourapteryx japonica Inoue - 1993  
Ourapteryx javana Thierry Mieg - 1903  
Ourapteryx karsholti Inoue -  
Ourapteryx kantalaria Felder - 1873  
Ourapteryx karsholti Inoue - 1993  
Ourapteryx kernaria Oberthür - 1893  
Ourapteryx koreana Inoue - 1993  
Ourapteryx laeta Matsumura -  
Ourapteryx latimarginaria Leech - 1897  
Ourapteryx leucopteron Inoue - 1995  
Ourapteryx maculicaudaria Motschulsky -  
Ourapteryx magnifica Inoue - 1985  
Ourapteryx major Thierry Mieg - 1903  
Ourapteryx malatyensis Wehrli - 1936  
Ourapteryx margaritata Moore - 1868  
Ourapteryx marginata Hampson - 1895  
Ourapteryx modesta Warren - 1896  
Ourapteryx monticola Inoue - 1986  
Ourapteryx multistrigaria Walker - 1866  
Ourapteryx nakajimai Inoue - 1995  
Ourapteryx nepalensis Inoue - 1995  
Ourapteryx nigrifimbria Prout - 1928  
Ourapteryx nigrociliaris Leech - 1891  
Ourapteryx nivea Butler - 1883  
Ourapteryx nomurai Inoue - 1946  
Ourapteryx nonmarginata Inoue - 2002  
Ourapteryx obtusicauda Warren - 1894  
Ourapteryx olivacea 2) Standfuss - 1896  
Ourapteryx pallida Lempke - 1951  
Ourapteryx pallidula Inoue - 1985  
Ourapteryx pallistrigaria Stuning - 1994  
Ourapteryx palniensis 1) Hampson - 1907  
Ourapteryx peermaadiata Thierry Mieg - 1903  
Ourapteryx persica 2) Menetriès - 1832  
Ourapteryx peruvianaria    
Ourapteryx peterfii Dioszeghy - 1935  
Ourapteryx picticaudata Walker - 1860  
Ourapteryx picticaudata picticaudata   Walker - 1860   
Ourapteryx picticaudata palawanensis Inoue - 2002  
Ourapteryx pluristrigata Warren - 1888  
Ourapteryx podaliriata Guenée - 1858  
Ourapteryx postflavata Stuning - 1994  
Ourapteryx primularis Butler - 1886  
Ourapteryx pseudebuleata Inoue - 1995  
Ourapteryx puncticulosa Inoue & Stuning - 1995  
Ourapteryx purissima Thierry Mieg - 1905  
Ourapteryx ramosa Wileman - 1910  
Ourapteryx ravida Inoue - 1995  
Ourapteryx rhabota West - 1929  
Ourapteryx sambucaria Linnaeus - 1758  
Ourapteryx sambucaria sambucaria Linnaeus - 1758  
Ourapteryx sambucaria asiatica Vasilenko - 2001  
Ourapteryx sambuci Holmbirger -  
Ourapteryx sciticaudaria Walker - 1862  
Ourapteryx similaria Leech - 1897  
Ourapteryx sinata Wehrli - 1940  
Ourapteryx stueningi Inoue - 1993  
Ourapteryx subcurvaria Oberthür - 1911  
Ourapteryx subpunctaria Leech - 1891  
Ourapteryx subvirgatula Wehrli - 1936  
Ourapteryx sulfurea Schawerda - 1934  
Ourapteryx sulphurea Inoue - 2002  
Ourapteryx superba Chalmers Hunt - 1964  
Ourapteryx szechuana Wehrli - 1939  
Ourapteryx taiwana Wileman - 1910  
Ourapteryx thibetaria Bastelberger - 1911  
Ourapteryx triangularia Moore - 1867  
Ourapteryx ussurica Inoue - 1993  
Ourapteryx variolaria Inoue - 1985  
Ourapteryx venusta Inoue - 1985  
Ourapteryx versuta Prout - 1928  
Ourapteryx virescens 3) Matsumura - 1910  
Ourapteryx yerburii Butler - 1886  


1) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Ourapteryx ebuleata

2) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Ourapteryx sambucaria

3) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Ourapteryx yerburii

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