

Category: Thyatirinae Published: Thursday, 21 January 2021 Written by: Lambertus Jager

Ochsenheimer 1816

Tethea aenea Wileman - 1911  
Tethea akanensis 8) Matsumura - 1933  
Tethea albicosta Bremer - 1861  
Tethea albicostata Bremer - 1861  
Tethea albilinea    
Tethea albingensis Warnecke - 1908  
Tethea albingoflavimacula Hasebroek - 1916  
Tethea albingoradiata Bunge - 1911  
Tethea albingosubcoeca Bunge - 1913  
Tethea ampliata Butler - 1878  
Tethea amurensis 7) Warren - 1912  
Tethea angustata 3)6) Staudinger - 1885  
Tethea angustimedia Warren - 1912  
Tethea askoldensis Houlbert - 1921  
Tethea aurisigna Bryk - 1943  
Tethea baluensis Werny - 1966  
Tethea basifusca Lempke - 1960  
Tethea bifasciata    
Tethea birmanica 1) Werny - 1966  
Tethea birohoensis 4) Werny - 1966  
Tethea brevis Leech - 1900  
Tethea brunnea Lempke - 1960  
Tethea c-album Matsumura - 1931  
Tethea caspica Ebert - 1976  
Tethea caucasica 7) Krulikowsky - 1901  
Tethea caudata    
Tethea chekiangensis 5) Werny - 1966  
Tethea clausa Wehrli - 1917  
Tethea cliftoni Bowerbank - 1873  
Tethea collingsii Bowerbank - 1866  
Tethea commifera Warren - 1912  
Tethea confluens Closs - 1917  
Tethea congener 4) Roepke - 1945  
Tethea consimilis Warren - 1912  
Tethea consobrina Borkhausen - 1790  
Tethea contrastata 2) Werny - 1966  
Tethea costinigrata Kujau - 1917  
Tethea cotangens Lempke - 1960  
Tethea daisetsuzana Matsumura - 1927  
Tethea diehli 4) Werny - 1966  
Tethea dilutior Rangnow - 1935  
Tethea discolor Warren - 1912  
Tethea duplaris Linnaeus - 1761  
Tethea farinosa Bytinski Salz - 1937  
Tethea fasciata Spuler - 1908  
Tethea flavescens Werny - 1966  
Tethea flavistigmata Tutt - 1891  
Tethea fletcheri Tutt - 1893  
Tethea fluctuosa Hübner - 1803  
Tethea frankii    
Tethea fukienensis 5) Werny - 1966  
Tethea fusca Cockayne - 1944  
Tethea fuscostigmata Strand - 1903  
Tethea gaelica Turner - 1926  
Tethea gamma-graecum Retzius - 1783  
Tethea gemina Beckwith - 1794  
Tethea grandis 3) Okano - 1959  
Tethea griseocostata 9) Gaede - 1931  
Tethea griseofasciata Werny - 1966  
Tethea griseomacula 6) Werny - 1966  
Tethea hela Rangnow - 1935  
Tethea hibernica 8) Turner - 1927  
Tethea hirayamai Matsumura -  
Tethea hispida Bowerbank - 1864  
Tethea honei 4) Weny - 1966  
Tethea intensa Butler - 1881  
Tethea intermedia 8) Houlbert - 1921  
Tethea interna Butler -  
Tethea interrupta Spuler - 1908  
Tethea japoniba 2) Werny - 1966  
Tethea japonica Okano - 1952  
Tethea juncta    
Tethea koreibia Bryk - 1948  
Tethea koreonaga 1) Bryk - 1948  
Tethea kosswigi 7) Werny - 1966  
Tethea kurilensis Matsumura - 1929  
Tethea lineofracta Houlbert - 1921  
Tethea longisigna Laszlo, Ronkay et al. - 2007  
Tethea lyncurium Linnaeus - 1767  
Tethea marginata Warnecke - 1911  
Tethea maza    
Tethea mediofusca Cockayne - 1952  
Tethea microphthalma Cockayne - 1951  
Tethea montana 2) Werny - 1966  
Tethea monticola Bryk - 1943  
Tethea muricata Bowerbank - 1858  
Tethea mushana Matsumura - 1931  
Tethea nigrescens 8) Lempke - 1960  
Tethea nigrofasciata Lempke - 1960  
Tethea oberthueri Houlbert - 1921  
Tethea obscura Spuler - 1908  
Tethea obsoleta Valle - 1941  
Tethea occidentalis 5) Werny - 1966  
Tethea octogena Esper - 1791  
Tethea octogesima 7) Butler - 1878  
Tethea octogesimea 7) Hübner - 1786  
Tethea ocularis Linnaeus - 1767  
Tethea ocularis ocularis Linnaeus - 1767  
Tethea ocularis opa Zolotukhin - 1997  
Tethea ocularis tanakai Inoue - 1982  
Tethea or Denis & Schiffermüller - 1775  
Tethea or or Denis & Schiffermüller - 1775  
Tethea or tanaki Inoue -  
Tethea orientalis 7) Werny - 1966  
Tethea osthelderi 7) Brandt & Bytinski Salz - 1937  
Tethea pectinata Houlbert - 1921  
Tethea permarginata 8) Hasebroek -  
Tethea punctorenalia Houlbert - 1921  
Tethea radiata Lempke - 1960  
Tethea roberti Ruhmann - 1913  
Tethea robusta Bowerbank - 1873  
Tethea rosea Tutt - 1891  
Tethea rufa Houlbert - 1921  
Tethea sareptensis 7) Spuler - 1908  
Tethea schmidtii Bowerbank - 1866  
Tethea scotica 8) Tutt - 1891  
Tethea separata Lempke - 1960  
Tethea shansiensis Werny - 1966  
Tethea simillima Bowerbank - 1873  
Tethea simplex Lempke - 1960  
Tethea solena Swinhoe - 1894  
Tethea spinosa Bowerbank - 1874  
Tethea spinumaria Bowerbank - 1866  
Tethea subampliata Houlbert - 1921  
Tethea suffusa Warren - 1912  
Tethea szechwanensis 4) Werny - 1966  
Tethea taiwana Matsumura - 1931  
Tethea tangens Strand - 1927  
Tethea terrosa 8) Graeser - 1888  
Tethea tokotana Bryk - 1942  
Tethea trifolium Alpheraky - 1895  
Tethea tsinlingensis 7) Werny - 1966  
Tethea undata Fabricius - 1787  
Tethea unicolor    
Tethea unifasciata Spuler - 1908  
Tethea unimaculata Aurivillius - 1888  
Tethea variegata Lempke - 1960  
Tethea watanabei Matsumura - 1931  
Tethea wilemani 5) Werny - 1966  
Tethea ypsilon-graecum Goeze - 1781  


1) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Tethea albicosta

2) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Tethea albicostata

3) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Tethea ampliata

4) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Tethea consimilis

5) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Tethea oberthueri

6) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Tethea octogesima

7) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Tethea ocularis

8) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Tethea or

9) Sometimes regarded as subspecies of Tethea subampliata

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